
Dialpad has proven itself over the last few years as being one of the best cloud communication services for the modern worker. Over 55,000 companies in the world now use it. We already know how great Dialpad is when it comes to communicating with our clients and team members wherever we are in the world.

But what if you have multiple businesses or brands? Is Dialpad still capable of supporting your businesses without buying additional licenses? Watch this video to find out:

Ready to re-shape the way you communicate with your team members and clients? Do it with Dialpad.

With Dialpad, you can:

  • Take your phone with you. Never miss the chance to communicate and connect with your team and your clients wherever you are in the world. You can use Dialpad on any devices – whether it’s a laptop, mobile devices, and even desk phones.
  • Unlimited calling for a fixed fee. Call as often and as long as you like without having to worry about the cost.
  • Ditch the servers and desktop handsets. All the benefits of an office-based VoIP system without the hefty price tag and an IT guy to run.

To know more about Dialpad, you may call 1-300 88-00-25 or you may send us an email to [email protected]


Hey there, Pete Moriarty here, and in this video I'm gonna be covering multi brand options for Dialpad. So you're considering rolling out Dialpad and one question that we get a lot from customers is, “Hey, Pete, we've got multiple businesses, or we've got multiple brands, how can we manage that within Dialpad? Do we have to buy two apps, do we have to buy two systems? How can we get them working and talking to each other?” And that might be as simple as you owning a number of 1-300 numbers, and with those different 1-300 numbers, you wanna answer them in a different way, or it might be as complex as you're doing outbound calling campaigns, and your business covers multiple different states across the country, but you want to call your customers from a local number, local to their state so you get that recognition of your brand, and so your customers don't feel like someone's calling them from interstate.

Thankfully, Dialpad handles this really, really well, in that you can run multiple brands right out of the Dialpad app. And especially if you even have staff that are effectively shared staff that are running multiple businesses or participating in multiple call cues where you can achieve that nice and easily right from within the Dialpad app. We use a feature called the departments to achieve this. And with Dialpad you can set up as many departments as you'd like depending on your plan. But what departments allow you to do is have separate inbound calling cues effectively, or separate inbound lists of operators, and what they allow you to do is know which line is calling, when those calls actually come in.

So what it looks like is you know you're sitting at your desk, your computer pops up and it starts ringing, and you will see exactly which brand is calling that line, and of course you'll see the contact, you'll see the number, you see which call is coming in. But you will be able to answer with the correct business name if you've got multiple brands, or if you've even got different departments you'll know which department is calling from within your business, and you'll be able to answer appropriately. So that's all super easy to do within Dialpad.

What it also means is that you can set up a custom voicemail for each different brand. You can set up custom overflows for each different brand. If you have two businesses and you want business one to go to a certain set of staff, but then overflow to another set of staff, and business two will go to one set of staff and then overflow to the first set of staff, you can do all of those kind of things quite easily, makes it nice and simple right from within the Dialpad interface. Additionally, when you go to call out, it's simply a matter of selecting which brand or which department you'd like to dial out from. So you can do that from the desktop app, you can also do that from the mobile app as well, makes it nice and easy for you to represent multiple brands, or represent multiple areas of your business, and have it all completely seamless from a customer experience, and of course from your team, from your staff experience. It's all quite easy and seamless for them as well.

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