
If you're a business owner, and you want to get more time back, delegating is the number one task that you need to learn. I call this my hidden superpower in how I've been able to be successful in business.

In this video, I'm going to share with you some good tips on how you can become a superstar too.

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If you're a business owner, and you want to get more time back, or delegating is the number one task that you need to learn how to do. In fact, I call this my hidden superpower in how I've been able to be successful in business. Well, check out this video, I'm going to share with you some good tips on how you can become a superstar too. This video is about delegation, and it's about helping you if you're a business owner, or a business leader delegate a bit better. And, you know, why might be some of the reasons why business owners don't delegate Why do people get stuck with delegation, for me personally comes pretty easy to me because I'm lazy. But also because I don't want to get stuck doing kind of like repeatable tasks in the business, I find them a little bit boring. And so for me, delegating comes pretty easily because I'm constantly trying to find ways to get things off my plate, and get them onto other people's plates. Because for me, more tasks delegated basically means more time to do the things that I want to do. Now, they may be work tasks, or they may be tasks outside of work as well. But many business owners get stuck not delegating or get stuck resisting delegating, because they actually fear a loss of control, they have a little story that's running in their head that says, well, things have to be done my way. Or if things aren't done by me, either, they're not going to be able to be done well or done properly, or that person that I just hired, they don't really know how to do it as well as I can do it. And effectively, what the thinking is, is that business owners will start to think, well, I can just do it faster than somebody else doing it, right? And we've all had that, like aha, look, you know, I'm not going to bother training you because it's just faster, or it's just easier for me to do it. And don't worry, I still personally fall into this trap sometimes. And I'm in my head thinking about times that I've done it even this morning in my team, where I could have actually spent that extra time training someone else and having them do something for me. So business owners get stuck. And that's pretty normal. But it's pretty easy to actually start delegating, there's a multiple step process in delegating. They're called the five stages of delegation. And some frameworks have them as six stages or seven different stages of delegation. But I want to share with you some of my tips on how you can get started delegating as a business owner.0 Well, the first step is to have a clear vision. What is your long term vision look like of what your business wants to look like? And that could be you're not doing anything at all in the business and just sitting back and letting the checks flows through to you probably going to be pretty challenging to get to that point, it's likely even if you have a very automated business, and a very solid team, that you're probably still going to have some responsibility in your business. So let's say maybe an 80% or 90% automated business, so you can disappear for extended periods of time and have the business work for you. For me, personally, what my goal is, is freedom. And for me, that's location freedom. It's time freedom, and it's money freedom. And so that means I've got the flexibility to work when and where I want. And I've got basically recurring revenue, recurring income coming out of the business as profit, which is going to take care of all of my lifestyle expenses, but also leave money left over for investment and achieving my goals and dreams in my business. So if you've not yet identified what your goal is, and what your long term vision is for your business well, that's the first place that you want to start because everything's going to trickle down from there, from what your goals are. Okay, so that's step number one, you're going to set the vision. Next, you're going to actually share that vision with your team, you're going to share that vision. Hey, guys, this is what we want the business to get to and actually enroll your team in the vision. Now, you don't want to just share that, hey, my aim here is for me to do absolutely nothing and for you to do all the work. Haha, not going to go all that well with your team. Ideally, what you want to share with your team as a vision is how can each one of your individual team members goals, personal goals, personal ambitions, personal bucket list items be ticked off by them participating in your vision for the business. And if your vision for the business is one that works without you, and he has a you know, successful business, which with you know, within which people paid well, they're doing great work, they love coming to work every day, they're doing their best work at work every day, well, that's a vision that your team are probably going to get on board with. Okay, step number two big step number two, is to actually then go and build that system. And that's where you want to start, you know, documenting your business systems, maybe even building an intranet with a documented database, a standard operating procedures manual for all of the things in your business with records on how to do each thing step by step by step. And I've got other videos on the channel on how you can start systemising your business, what the frameworks are for Systemising your business, how to, you know, actually create and write great business systems, but also what technology tools you use to bring all those things together happens to be something I'm very passionate about. And so we've got a number of other videos for you to check out on that. But number three, and this is probably gonna be the hardest one is that you actually need to learn to start trusting your team. And so you need to be willing to take the hat off you need to be willing to actually put the tools down yourself and pass that on to a team member. When you pass it on to a team member, really, that's where the real work starts, you're going to find out well, how good were the business systems that you wrote, you're going to find out the hard way that your team are going to make some mistakes. And you're going to need to be okay, actually, with your team making mistakes, and you having to weigh the cost of that. Now we've had team members make mistakes that have cost us not just 1000s, but 10s of 1000s, and sometimes even hundreds of 1000s of dollars in the business. But if I wanted to do everything myself, I'd still be working 50, 60, 70, maybe even 80 hours a week, which is where I was in the business when I first started basically hiring employees and taking things off my plate. So I've given you some basics on how to actually start delegating with your team and kind of get the process started. But here's what we started to supercharge it. Well, delegation gets really, really great with technology. And I previously posted videos on delegation and technology and some of the specific tools that you can use, but I want to share just two top tips with you. So you know what tech you should be thinking about first, when it comes to effective delegation in your business. Remember, the end goal here is that you have a business that works for you and generates lots of freedom for you. So what are some of the tools that can help you to do that, or what are going to be the most effective tools to help you have more freedom in a business? Well, number one is a shared task management system. Now, post pandemic, we are all working in a new remote work landscape and new remote world where our team members are not always necessarily going to be in the same place at any one time. And one of the pieces of magic that we've made use of for many, many years is a shared and collaborative task management system that helps us to manage our projects, manage our strategic initiatives, manage actually delivering to customers as well, when we're doing projects, we run in excess of 200 projects concurrently, at any one time inside the business. And so we've got a lot of tasks flowing, both delivering to customers, but also making sure that our company actually runs as well, we've got over 60 people across multiple businesses in our organization. And we need to keep everyone on the same task place basically keep everyone up to date with what each other are doing. So our tool of choice for that is Asana. And we've got a number of videos of why we choose to work with that. Now number two, is to actually start to delegate your customer relationships. And we have two tools that we use for that one is Copper CRM. And the other one is Hiver, which is a shared mailbox system. Now I've got dedicated videos on both of those tools, that effectively when you start delegating sales, and you start delegating customer relationships, the big trap that most business owners fall into is they just give those responsibilities to one person in the business. And then that person inevitably leaves or moves on and all of a sudden, all of those relationships go with that person, not necessarily meaning that your customers will leave you, but meaning that those relationships or equity that has been built up with your customers will leave when that person walks out the door. Yet, if you have an effective customer management system, where all of the conversations that you're having with customers are actually documented, or the customer history is documented and if you've got a great shared communication system like Hiver, which allows you to communicate with your customers across multiple team members, and train your customers to come to one place for all of their communication with your team, like a helpdesk, whether or not you're literally running a helpdesk business, well, you're going to find that your relationships, and your customer delivery is going to be much, much better. Now, first of all, once you've got effective technology systems set up to support your business processes, well, it's much easier for you to take your hat off and pass them on to team members. And you'll find that it'll be easier for your business to scale as well. Because once the system is in place, it then can just be a matter of starting to add more and more people to run that system. And then you as the business owner can get back to focusing on actually growing the business, which is what we're all here to do. So I've given you some basic tips on delegating, and how to get started with delegating with technology tools, make sure you check out our other videos, where I teach you more about what the specific tools do, and how to get more into the nuts and bolts of Systemising your business so you can build more freedom for yourself. Now remember, you can't succeed if you're trying to hold on to absolutely everything yourself. There's no way that you can do everything in the business, even if you're well intentioned, or if you're incredibly talented or gifting juggling multiple things, you know, the idea that we can multitask and do everything ourselves just doesn't really work unless you want to stay a sole operator forever. Now, if you're a business owner, and you're already making use of the Google ecosystem, well we specialize in helping businesses get more out of the platform. And whether that's Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, building an intranet in Google Sites, or just helping you learn how to use Google workspace to the best of the ability in your business. Now, our program our offering is called Cloud concierge. And we help business owners both inside the Google ecosystem and with all of the amazing Plugins, Add ons, and third party tools and resources to help make businesses run smoothly. And if you're interested in learning more about that you can jump onto consultation with one of our team members below. Now if you haven't already started working with it genius, well, we actually have a free offer. For anyone who's using Google workspace, you can connect with our team automatically transfer your billing to it genius, and it doesn't cost you any extra. But you get a bunch of pretty awesome benefits. You're going to get access to a training library of videos to educate you and your team on how to get the most out of your investment in Google workspace. Plus, you get a free account checkup and basic support from our team when you need help adding users or connecting to your account. If you're interested in that, click on the transferring offer below. And if you're not already a subscriber to our channel, hit that subscribe button. If you'd like to learn some more. Leave me a thumbs up if you like this content. And if you have any questions about delegating, or you'd like to let me know what your biggest challenges with delegating right now drop it in the comments and I'll do my best to reply. See you next time.

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