
In this video, you will see how Peter Moriarty transitioned from traditional PC desktops as his primary machine to these small, yet super inexpensive, super versatile and powerful PCs.

So, if you are planning of buying a Chromebox whether for your small office or as a primary work station for your employees, this video has everything you need to know. Make sure to visit our store today at itgenius.com/store

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Why buy a Chromebox?

Save money! Chromeboxes are very inexpensive. They are 20-30% cheaper than the traditional PC desktop but almost at par when it comes to completing your daily tasks.

Automatic updates! You will never have to worry about making those complicated updates to your devices anymore! Because sometimes, an update can either improve or break your PC's performance. Google will always update your Chromebox in the background, and you won't even notice at all. Simple and easy.

No Antivirus softwares needed. Unlike the traditional PC, you will never have to buy very expensive anti-virus softwares to keep your workstation protected from possible threats.

Apps everywhere! You may not have the same range of apps and softwares that a traditional PC can have but with all the apps available online, completing your day to day tasks is a breeze.

Almost No Maintenance Needed. Chromeboxes require almost no maintenance at all. Everything can be reinstalled in a click of a button. You also don't need to worry about your data because they are all in the cloud. Just use the Power Wash button, and you're good to go. Fresh OS and it will automatically sync your data back to your workstation.

What else do you need?

After successfully purchasing your new Chromebox, you will need a Monitor, a mouse and a keyboard. All Chromeboxes are mostly compatible with all peripherals out there. You can either use a bluetooth mouse or keyboard or the traditional wired ones. For monitors, you can connect it through HDMI and Displayport. You can also connect your VGA or DVI monitors with the use of third party connectors.

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