
Is your business Gmail not receiving emails? Are your emails not going out? Are you locked out of your account? In this video, itGenius covers the common issues with business Gmail and how to fix them.

Why is my Google business Gmail not working?

Why is my Google domain email not working?

Why is my Google Workspace Gmail not working?

If you came here asking any of the following questions, keep reading to get answers. itGenius – Google Workspace Experts –  will be able to help you!

Gmail issues may arise (though infrequent) due to various reasons. We've identified the common issues in Gmail. Based on our experience of working with 1000's small and medium-sized businesses, we are able to help you solve these problems.

How to fix the issues with your business Gmail?

Gmail will now let you edit Office documents directly from email  attachments - The Verge

Is your Gmail not working? Your emails are not going out? Locked out of your account? Or maybe you have some kind of weird error message? Can't even access your admin panel at the moment. Then you may have a problem with your Gmail business email. And in this blog, I'm going to take you through how to identify it and fix it.

Most common business Gmail issues

1. DNS records not set correctly

 How to setup DNS records correctly

I'm going to take you through the most common issues with a Google business account. So the number one biggest problem we see all the time is the do with DNS. And the DNS records are your domain name records that tell email where to go. Now, the symptom of an issue with your DNS is not receiving emails on your business Gmail. That's the most common one, but you can also have issues where if you're sending emails and they're landing in people's spam mailboxes, then that might also be a DNS issue as well.


The important thing to know that if you don't have this set up correctly, is that it's just not going to deliver email either in or out of your Gmail. So if you're having a problem with delivery, it's probably related to DNS. And so to fix that, you want to work with your DNS settings. Now that may be with your web provider, or it may be with the person who set up G Suite for you. But what you are going to have to do is log into your domain account and start working with those. Now I've dropped some guides on where to access updating your DNS settings and getting them for the G Suite.


Want to fix your DNS records? itGenius can help.

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2. Account Access

The second most common issue is account access on your business Gmail. Now, this can show up in a couple of different ways. Sometimes people have been locked out of their accounts. Sometimes your account might be limited, or for whatever reason, you go to log in to your G Suite and you just can't get access.


Now, most times this is actually a billing issue. You've changed your credit card. You haven't updated to a new one. Google's tried to bill you and for whatever reason, you haven't seen the reminder emails and you've actually run out of your Google account, they've paused it, and you need to go into billing and reactivate it. Now, if this has happened to you, you need to be the billing administrator to actually access these settings. And so if you're not the owner of the business, or you're not the primary administrator account, then you may not be the person who's getting the warnings to update the credit card details.


And so we have access to a different level of support than usual business G Suite customers do. So if that's something of interest, be sure to get in touch with us, but accessing Google Support is the fastest way to get your account unblocked. Now, what if you say, “Well Pete, I don't know how to get access to my account.” Maybe you are completely locked out and you just can't get access to your billing. Well, in that case, the first call is to always call support. Unfortunately, if you can't look into the admin panel, therefore you can't update your billing details, you're getting a little bit stuck there. And so that one, first to jump on the phone to support.


3. Being locked out of your account

What should you do when you're locked out of your Google Workspace account?

The third most common issue that we have is someone being completely locked out of their business Gmail account. Now there are a number reasons this might happen. You may have an employee who goes a bit crazy and decides to start switching off accounts. You may have Google lock down your account because they feel you're spamming, but for many reasons, we have businesses who come to us who have been completely locked out. Now, sometimes they've even been locked out of their personal Gmail account that they were using for business.


But if you're on a business plan, you're paying for your G Suite licenses, but you're still locked out of your account. Well, then the best thing to do is to work with a professional to get it unlocked. You can try and contact Google Support, but if you're completely locked out, you can't actually access support because you can't generate a support token to access support, which is needed to access it.


And so you have to get back into the account using a DNS recovery. A DNS recovery is the only way to get back in.


Locked out of your account? itGenius can help.

Click the button below and an itGenius consultant will be able to help you.

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