
Ever had an employee leave the company and you’re not sure how to properly keep important data from their account?

Need help setting up User Archivals?

Click the button below and an itGenius consultant will be able to help you.

User Archival

Google securely maintains the user's Google Workspace services data and makes it accessible in Google Vault when you archive a user. The data can be searched for and exported, and it is safeguarded in accordance with Vault retention policies.

Other users in the company will have access to the user's data (from services like Gmail, Drive, and Google Classroom).

What happens to archived users?

What can archived users can and can’t do? How can businesses interact with archived users?

  • can't access their Google Account from any device. These services include Gmail, Google Calendar, and Drive from Google Workspace.
  • not be included in the global address list. The user is listed as an archived status in user directories.
  • In the Admin console, an archived user can be deleted or unarchived but not suspended.

View User reports to see a user's archived status. This makes it simple to keep track of, manage, and ultimately get rid of archived users.

Common reasons to utilise User Archival

  1. For data organisation – businesses often want to consolidate their multiple domains or Google accounts. They archive data from their users to make access easier and data organisation cleaner.
  2. To save costs – businesses archive unused email addresses to migrate data from one Google account to another. This is done instead of paying for archive licenses to save costs.
  3. Inactive users – when employees leave the business, their account becomes inactive. If their account contains significant data that can still be used or referenced in the future, that user’s data is archived.
  4. Continuity of data use – some roles require the continued use of certain data types. This is why when that role is left, the previous user’s data is archived so that it can be passed on to the next user that will find that data useful. Granted, of course, they use different email addresses.
  5. To store data in Google Vault – to keep an about-to-be-deleted user’s data in Google Vault, the data must be transferred or archived to an active user before the account gets deleted.

Note: All data inside a user will be deleted once the user is deleted. So it’s really important to remember to archive data from users before deleting them.

User Archival with itGenius

The archival that we do here at itGenius involves the transfer of data from one user to another in the same Google Workspace account.

Google Archive User (AU) License

Google also has an Archive User license wherein a user's data is accessible but the user cannot send or receive email. Instead of transferring the data to another user, they just keep the data from that old user and pay monthly:

  • $6.16 per month for Business Plus
  • $7.70 per month for Enterprise Standard
  • $10.01 per month for Enterprise Plus

itGenius Archival

  • For Cloud Concierge members (Support or Growth) – clients get 10 free User Archivals at a time
  • QuickFix – 3 User Archivals
  • For customers that want more User Archivals, a one-time fee of $40 per user(GST included) will be charged.

Need help setting up User Archivals?

Click the button below and an itGenius consultant will be able to help you.

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